This weekend while I was enjoying a ride through the Laguna Woods Village Golf Cart Tunnel, I reflected on some of the adventures I am having as I settle into my new home. When my spouse and I moved here, we did not know if we would get a golf cart. We are not golfers so we initially did bot see the value of a golf cart. It was not long before I realized there was more to experience in The Village is we had golf cart wheels.
Doubles Gates by Moulton and Ridge Route Rd
I still do not golf (yet) but I ride my golf cart once or twice a day and have a blast. My spouse and I drive around Par 3 and the main golf course. After 7:00pm non-golfers can take the cart paths that wind through the main course. We found some really interesting areas of the Village. For example, we love driving the path that is parallel to Ridge Route Rd. We drive west toward Moulton on the path behind Clubhouse 4.
There are two gates that open and close to let you cross a service road.
Laguna Woods Village Golf Cart Tunnel
I’ve been asked many times if I know how to find the tunnel! Of course I do.